About The Director

Music On A Stick was started by founder John Laufenberg in 2010. Our knowledge of music and music instruction assures our clients that they are receiving the absolute top-quality guidance and expertise.

“I was introduced to a lot of great music as a kid. From a very young age, I remember watching my family and their friends all get together after holiday meals and play music for hours. Fiddle, guitar, piano, you name it. They would play everything from classic country like Patsy Kline and Hank Williams, to Funk and Soul, Rock, Blues, or Gospel. There was no shortage of musical influences for me and I love them all to this day.”

John's musical training has always followed a very structured path. He initially began taking lessons in his early teen years "I began learning scales, chords, vocals, and basic songs like any other musician but it really became more than that for me. It became an outlet and helped fuel creativity in all other aspects of my life."

John continued his music education into College. He completed a Degree in Commercial Music Performance in 2012. with guidance from career greats Dick Gimble, Jon Fox, Beth Ullman, Bill Howard, and Pat McKee, among many others.

While playing with bands in college he began to learn to master other instruments along the way. "Every band I was in always wanted to have other instruments added to the group but we could rarely afford to hire another member so, out of a kind of necessity, I took it upon myself to start learning them all. While attending he also studied other aspects of music including jazz, classical, songwriting, theater, music composition, and music business.

John Laufenberg currently resides in Austin. Tx. He teaches lessons locally as well as online and continues to travel and perform.