We collaborate with diverse perspectives to build a joyful learning community, seek solutions, and inspire each other through play.


We play to discover our own unique processes of learning. Whether playing with ideas, games, or instruments, we engage without the fear of judgment.


We engage in every aspect of making and sharing music to become better musicians, teachers, and community members. As we commit to pursuing excellence we move forward with creativity.


We create motivating, transformative, and powerful experiences to uncover the deeper meaning in all that we do, which allows us to encourage each other’s growth through collaboration.

Goals for Music Learning

  1. To develop to the fullest musical potential.
  2. To develop a deep, lifelong enjoyment of music. 
  3. To develop musical skills and life habits that create increasing independence in learning.
  4. To use music as a service to humanity by bringing joy and happiness to friends, family, and community.

Our ​Teaching Philosophy

We believe:

  • Opportunities for innovation, experimentation, and collaboration help the student define clearly stated musical goals and are essential to teaching excellence.
  • What students discover for themselves is most memorable. It is our job to facilitate discovery.
  • If a student is confused it means, we have not found an effective presentation of the material. We will keep trying new ideas until the student reaches understanding.
  • If students find success at each small step, they will thirst for more learning.
  • Learning music involves every human faculty: physical, mental, creative, playful, emotional, social and much more.
  • Four fundamental aspects of learning must be nurtured in the following order of priority: 
  1. Desire 
  2. Aptitude
  3. Skill
  4. Artistry
  • We attend to the first things first, only approaching the higher levels of learning when fundamentals are in place.

It's easy to take the next step:
Lessons are first come, first served
So click below to arrange your first lesson!
